Facts you should know before buying a condo

Generally, condo or condominium signifies apartment or community-style buildings. You can purchase a personal unit yet get the privilege of living in a shared structure. You will get access to common areas, and enjoy the amenities such as pools, playgrounds, gyms, dog-walking areas, and more.

Clive Mclean

Some condo associations may charge some extra to cover shared costs including emergency or unexpected building repairs or for certain amenities determined by the condo board. If you are looking for Condo lofts Toronto real estate, you must gather requisite information about the limitations and rules, and ask important questions to the board to avoid any future issues.

Contact a realtor

If you are planning to get a condo, make sure you contact the Top producer or a realtor who can understand your interests. Find someone with experience, who can address your concerns, and guide you through necessary steps like reviewing the documents.

What about the amenities?

Different condos can offer different amenities. You must inform your agent about the type of amenities you desire, and also aspects like the location as well as your budget. Include the amenities in your wish list beforehand, so the agent can show you only the options that can meet your requirements.


Don't forget the association charges you have to pay for the maintenance, and the amenities you will be using. Make sure you discuss all the included fees for services such as cleaning shared areas, snow removal, and lawn care. Get familiar with the house rules like guidelines for booking shared spaces, noise restrictions, and so on.

Website URL: http://www.clivemclean.ca/


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